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Defining Libertarianism

The Value of Liberty: Exploring Libertarianism

Defining Libertarianism

Libertarianism is a political philosophy that places individual liberty at the forefront of its values. It is rooted in the Enlightenment liberalism that emphasized the importance of individual rights and limited government intervention. Libertarians believe that each person possesses inherent rights and freedoms, and that the role of government should be to protect those rights, rather than infringe upon them.

Core Principles of Libertarianism

The core principles of libertarianism include:

  • Individual liberty: The belief that each person has the right to make choices about their own life, including their economic, social, and political decisions.
  • Limited government: The idea that the government's role should be limited to providing essential services and protecting individual rights, while avoiding interference in personal affairs.
  • Free markets: The belief that free markets, with minimal government regulation, promote economic prosperity and individual choice.
